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Ontario Centre of Innovation

Innovation Procurement – Healthcare

Innovation Procurement Toolkit (IPT)

Innovation procurement is the purchase of new solutions that do not currently exist in the market, or need to be adapted, in order to meet specified needs and create value for the procuring organization.

To assist healthcare service provides in developing competitive procurement processes for innovative solutions, the Innovation Procurement Toolkit (IPT) was developed to include tools, templates and guidance documents to assist in the development and management of innovation procurement initiatives.

Toolkit Resources:

The IPT has been structured to facilitate the flow of an innovation procurement process from needs assessment, including development of the problem statement, through early market engagement, procurement of the solution and contract award. Guidance documents include:

IPT Navigation GuideA helpful overview of the tools, templates and guides relevant for each stage of the procurement process.
IPT Decision-TreeA sample decision making process that can be helpful to guide the development of a procurement plan.
Early Market Engagement Strategies Guide

*Market Sounding and Call for Innovative Solutions: Systems Coordinated Access
This guide provides commentary and insight on how to execute the seven early market engagements strategies identified in the Primer. It details strategies to engage the market and gather intelligence in order to inform the procurement process. Guidance is also provided on development of effective problem statements, an essential early step in the process.
Innovation Procurement Models GuideA guide that provides insight into the six innovation procurement models detailed in the Primer, providing guidance on when and how to use each of these models. It also discusses considerations, risks and risk mitigation measures in selecting and executing an innovation procurement.
The Innovation Procurement Models Guide includes references to three other guides that address critical elements of the competitive process. These are:
Outcome-Based Specifications Guide
Value-Based Evaluation Criteria Guide
Total Cost of Ownership Guide

Toolkit Templates:

The IPT includes templates that can be used to execute the various stages of an innovation procurement process. These templates are provided in Word format so they can be adapted to suit specific organizational requirements.

Request for Expression of Interest (RFEI) TemplateThis template can be used in conjunction with the Early Market Engagement Questionnaire to seek information about market capabilities and interest.
Request for Pre-Qualification (RFPQ) TemplateThis template can be used to qualify proponents to participate in any innovation procurement process, where pre-qualification is necessary.
Request for Solutions (RFS) TemplateThis template incorporates colour-coded guidance for each of the procurement models, following the same colour-coded scheme as the Navigation Guide above.
R&D Services AgreementThis agreement template is recommended when the intended outcome is research and development of a solution, with no planned production or deployment.
Innovation AgreementThis agreement is recommended when the intended outcome includes production or deployment of a solution.

Have more questions? If you have any questions regarding the Innovation Procurement Toolkit or the documents included in the toolkit, please Contact Us.

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