Celebrating the best OCI-supported research collaborations
OCI celebrates excellence in entrepreneurship and collaborative innovation, announcing the Mind to Market Award annually each fall at our Annual General Meeting.
Mind to Market Award
OCI’s Mind to Market Award celebrates the best OCI-supported research collaboration, between the business and research communities, resulting in effective commercialization of leading-edge ideas and solutions.
Award recipients will exemplify the success that is possible when the brightest minds in industry and research collaborate to address today’s most critical issues. The award will build awareness for their achievement and should inspire others to adopt a collaborative approach to research, commercialization, and ultimately the building of a more vibrant society and competitive economy for Ontario.
Nominations for this award are advanced by the OCI Business Development Manager community. Winners are announced at our Annual General Meeting.
Mind to Market 2023
Award for Outstanding Research Collaboration and Commercialization
Winner – Troes
The 2023 nominees were:
- GeoMate
- e-Zinc
Recent winners include:
- Genecis Bioindustries
- RockMass Technologies
- Mavennet Systems Inc.
- Flosonics Medical
- Moyers Apple Products
- OTTO Motors
- Accelerated Systems Inc.
- Clear Blue Technologies
- InteraXon
- Fluidware
- VitaSound
- Aeryon Labs
- Miovision Technologies