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Ontario Centre of Innovation

Our Expert Reviewers

Become an OCI Reviewer: Play an important role in Ontario's innovation ecosystem by reviewing exciting commercialization and R&D projects of some of Ontario's fastest-growing companies

Why should you become an OCI Reviewer?

There are many benefits to reviewing OCI applications including:

  • Getting early insights into exciting R&D projects conducted by some of Ontario’s most innovative and fastest-growing companies
  • Providing feedback to entrepreneurs to help strengthen their R&D, go-to-market, and other business strategies
  • Playing an important role in Ontario’s innovation ecosystem; and
  • Receiving an honorarium for your time

What to Expect if You Apply to be an OCI Reviewer


We’ll begin by asking you to complete the reviewer application so we can assess the suitability of your background and expertise. If you have the background and expertise we’re looking for, we’ll follow up by requesting your CV/resume.

Reviewer Agreement

Once we’ve reviewed your CV/resume, OCI will send you a Reviewer Agreement to review and sign. The Reviewer Agreement will require you to declare any interests you may hold in companies and other potential conflicts of interest.


Once we have an agreement in place, we will train you so you’re well-equipped to start reviewing applications. You will have access to resources to guide you through reviewing and scoring applications and providing comments.  If you have any questions along the way, our team is here to help. 

Reviewing Applications                 

OCI Program Managers will assign applications to you when the subject matter of the applications matches your background and experience. You can accept or decline a request to review an application. If you accept, you will be given five business days to complete the review in the OCI application portal. Applications are completed by three reviewers, however both applicants and reviewers are not privy to the identities of the reviewers.


Periodically, OCI will provide you with feedback regarding whether the applications you reviewed were ultimately awarded or declined for funding.

Reviewer Demographics

Our reviewers are diverse and possess a wide spectrum of business and academic expertise that spans across 16 sectors, 159 industries, and 14 subject areas of expertise specific to technology start-ups.

Ready to become an OCI Reviewer?

Complete the Reviewer Background and Expertise Questionnaire!

Program Application Examples

Check out a selection of OCI’s application forms to familiarize yourself with the questions we ask applicants who apply to our funding programs.

Voucher for Innovation and Productivity
Market Readiness


EV Stream 2 EOI|
EV Stream 2 Application

For more about our programs and their applications visit our Programs page.

Subscribe for program updates & more

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More About OCI Programs

TalentEdge Internship Program (TIP) – NGNP

The TalentEdge Internship Program (TIP) stream of the Next Generation Network Program (NGNP) provides support for current college and university students and recent undergraduate or Masters graduates, to work on industry-driven research and development projects related to Next Generation Network (NGN) technologies at Ontario-based SMEs using the Centre of Excellence in Next Generation Networks (CENGN) platform. 

Digitalization Competence Centre

Digitalization is redefining the future for companies. It is a critical factor in the success and growth of Ontario’s companies, enabling them to release products to the market faster and reach the right customers, all while offering a near perfect experience. Through DCC, Ontario is placing its SMEs at the forefront of digital transformation, supporting them to adapt and thrive from this digital evolution.

Collaborate 2 Commercialize

Collaborate 2 Commercialize supports the collaboration between Academia and Industry to solve an industry-based problem and drive the commercialization of Intellectual Property.

Ready 4 Market

Ready 4 Market (R4M) is Ontario’s leading pre-seed investment fund.

Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN)

The Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN) builds upon Ontario’s position as a world-leading automotive manufacturing and supply jurisdiction in addition to the large cluster of information and communication technology companies operating in the province. 

Life Sciences Innovation Fund

The Life Sciences Innovation Fund (LSIF) is an early-stage co-investment fund that supports companies in Life Sciences and Healthcare Technologies sectors related to human health.  

Registration for DiscoveryX 2025 is now open!